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  • 类型:软件开发工具
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Bugreplay Inc.
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-17 05:04:17
  • 标签: 软件开发工具
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Visit any website on your mobile device and take screenshots or screen recordings. Also capture the developer console logs and network traffic.

To get started, simply type in a web address. You can also click on the \"Most Recent\" button to access previous URLs.

On the Settings menu, you can choose to:

* Narrate your videos using phone's microphone.

* Save the screenshot or video to your mobile device.

BugReplay also has a proxy feature which lets you capture network requests on your iOS device. You can capture request URL, body, header and response data. In addition to this BugReplay also records your iPhone's screen for additional debugging.

How it works:

When you start a recording session on BugReplay, it starts recording your screen along with network requests. Once you stop the recording, a report gets created which you can view in the web. The report has time-synchronised display of recorded screen and network logs so that logs appear at the same moment an action was recorded in the video.

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