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德国: 动词和共轭

德国: 动词和共轭
  • 类型:教育
  • 语言:"NL", "EN", "FR", "DE", "IT", "JA", "KO", "PT", "RU", "ES", "TR"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Laura Mueller
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-25 15:16:24
  • 标签: 参考资料 教育
应用介绍 应用截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

VerbForms Deutsch Little is the easiest way to learn German verbs and their conjugation.

? Detailed explanations of the conjugations for the different tenses.

? All German verbs with translations in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Korean and Turkish.

? Search for infinitives or translations to find verbs.

? Irregular verb forms and orthographic features are marked with colors for easy recognition.

? Provides frequency information for each verb, making it easy to decide which verbs to learn first.

? Audio: touch the verb forms to hear them.

? Enjoy learning the conjugation with the configurable multiple choice, flashcard and written exercises.

? Create lists of verbs you want to learn in an easy and comfortable way.

? Automatic error tracking by error lists helps you to keep learning progress under control. Once you successfully practiced a verb it will be removed from the error list.

? Your lists are kept in sync on your iOS devices using iCloud (optional, requires Internet access).

…and much, much more. VerbForms Deutsch Little, the easiest way to learn German!



《韩语学习神器》专为韩语初学者开发的一款实用软件,内涵韩语发音表、韩语翻译工具、韩语入门精选词汇和对话等,助力快速韩语基础学习。【应用特色】- 真人发音:标准真

共收集 13 款应用

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