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Aerosim Checkride B777

Aerosim Checkride B777
  • 类型:教育
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:3.000
  • 厂商:Aerosim
  • 是否收费:¥298.00
  • 更新时间:2024-02-09 10:56:02
  • 标签: 参考资料 教育
应用介绍 应用截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

The Aerosim Checkride B777 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience.? Checkride provides cockpit panel information ensuring accuracy and clear functional descriptions of each switch, pushbutton, and light/annunciator.

This feature helps pilots become familiar with the panel functionality without pulling out bulky aircraft manuals and paper cockpit posters. This tool reduces study time preparations by bringing the aircraft manual information together in an easy-to-use, efficient app that truly prepares pilots for the oral exam and checkride.

Features & Benefits:

? Aircraft cockpit data?at your fingertips – study anywhere with the use of this educational app

? Pan and zoom capabilities

? Cockpit panel location and familiarization

? Functional description of each switch, pushbutton, and light/annunciator

? High fidelity graphics

? Add and save notes

? Help tutorial

Intended Use:

? Quick study tool for oral exam and checkride preparation – quiz yourself on cockpit switches, lights, and other indications

? Practice cockpit flow patterns

Note: The aircraft manufacturer offers slightly different cockpit configurations, layouts, and/or options to their customers. The graphics and related descriptions used in this application represent a specific configuration and may not exactly correspond to your respective aircraft.



《韩语学习神器》专为韩语初学者开发的一款实用软件,内涵韩语发音表、韩语翻译工具、韩语入门精选词汇和对话等,助力快速韩语基础学习。【应用特色】- 真人发音:标准真

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