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Scanbooster Control 超声检查

Scanbooster Control 超声检查
  • 类型:医疗
  • 语言:"EN", "DE"
  • 评分:3.250
  • 厂商:Scanbooster
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-06 16:26:07
  • 标签: 医疗 教育
应用介绍 应用截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

Transform your iPhone into a virtual ultrasound probe and control the ultrasound simulation in the Scanbooster Ultrasound Sim app on your tablet.

Learning sonography never has been easier! Just install Scanbooster Control to your iPhone and Scanbooster Ultrasound sim to your tablet.

Now you're using your iPhone almost like a real ultrasound probe!

All movements are fully supported: Sweeping and sliding, rocking, fanning and rotating - even loss of contact and compression of tissue can be simulated.

On older devices sweeping and sliding motions are achieved by swiping across the screen.

On new devices realScan and airScan are available:

-realScan tracks your environment and therefore allows back/forth (sweeping) and left/right (sliding) movements by just -well- moving your device through the air. It feels as if you'd hold a real ultrasound probe in your hand.

-airScan gives you a feeling as if your patient was laying just below your iPhone: By using haptic feedback and sophisticated technical engineering the image you see on the screen is very similar to a real ultrasound examination. Slightly move your iPhone downwards and you'll apply more 'pressure' therefore the image quality improves. Move your iPhone upwards and the 'pressure' decreases - you will only see a partial image - until the applied 'pressure' becomes so little that no image can be seen anymore.

-haptic feedback: With haptic feedback moving through the air now feels like moving a real probe on the skin of a patient. You can even feel when you lose contact or gain it again!

-iOS 13 DarkMode support

Terms of use: #qx-heading-1479



《韩语学习神器》专为韩语初学者开发的一款实用软件,内涵韩语发音表、韩语翻译工具、韩语入门精选词汇和对话等,助力快速韩语基础学习。【应用特色】- 真人发音:标准真

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